QuantiMama Faark The Shoulds Podcast

Episode 10 - Birth Becomes Her

If ever there was a world of "shoulds" just waiting to be realised, it is giving birth in a western system.

You 'should' birth at this facility and you 'should' have this practitioner and, whilst pregnant, you 'should' eat this food and 'should' do these exercises and 'should' do this birthing course (although, we CAN highly recommend QuantiMama's High Vibe Birth course for your ultimate birth preparation 😉) and the list of shoulds goes on and on...
After four births, QuantiMama Jodi and QuantiPapa McGill say "Well, Fark That!!"

Birth, likely to be one of your life's most defining moments, is too often casually reduced to something that has to be done or worse, survived, when, in reality, it can be the most wondrous, magical, otherworldly, extraordinary and most definitely, defining experiences of our entire lives.

Jodi and McGill reflect on their respective 'now and then' attitudes to birth; the wisdom of experience with their four births, particularly McGill's as the birthing father and ultimately their passion that is infused throughout their High Vibe Birth course; a birth education programme that stretches beyond simple birth education and is anchored in strengthening primal bonds between the self, couple and babe in utero.

Let this conversation spark wonder, reassurance, reminiscence or healing, no matter where you find yourself in your life's journey right now because as a collective community, we must counterbalance the robotised industrial regard of birth to reconnect it with nature's principles, witnessing these everyday miracles with breath-taking awe.

Find free and affordable birthing resources at QuantiMama.com/highvibebirth

Free Birth Mind Movies; Free Birth Meditations; 'Hello Baby' Birth Film; Birth Breath Mini Course; High Vibe Birth course - self paced, online.

More high vibe goodness at quantimama.com

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Fark The Shoulds merch coming soon.... Woo Hoo

Relationship Resus - Magical Marriages course coming soon

Quanti Mama

QUANTIMAMA- Heart-based, Soul-Driven, Lovingly Honest, Embarrassingly Authentic, BS-Free and most definitely High Vibe BIRTH and PARENTING courses. FREE DOWNLOADS of QuantiMama Jodi's beautifully crafted birth and parenting Mind Movies. BTW, you are amazing!


5 Minutes At A Time


Life Changing Moments