The Power Of Words

QuantiMama Faark The Shoulds Podcast

Episode 2: The Power Of Words.
We know words can have power however exactly how much do we invest in our radical responsibility with our words, our receptivity, our audience and our energy? How much does the community's awareness of words impact us and how real is the cumulative effect of words?
High vibe your relationship, your communication with your kids and yourself with this conversation around the power of words; with QuantiMama Jodi and QuantiPapa McGill.
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Quanti Mama

QUANTIMAMA- Heart-based, Soul-Driven, Lovingly Honest, Embarrassingly Authentic, BS-Free and most definitely High Vibe BIRTH and PARENTING courses. FREE DOWNLOADS of QuantiMama Jodi's beautifully crafted birth and parenting Mind Movies. BTW, you are amazing!

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Fark The Shoulds